Security Integration Group,
Inc. with an office in Bayamón, P.R., was created
by a group of professionals with over 30 years combined in
related experience. Our integrity and mutual respect shown
to customers and suppliers are the foundations of our
company. These values provide an environment that fosters
pride in each of our contributions to the continuing success
of SIG.
To supply with the most comprehensive
security integration systems we have made agreements with
some of the most recognized manufactures and consultants in
the industry.
Our commitment is to understand our
customer's expectations in areas of cost, quality and
service to consistently meet or exceed them.
Security Integration Group,
Inc. designs and develops turnkey integrated
security systems, security monitoring & intrusion
detection systems, as well as interfaces and integration
for a wide variety of security requirements, covering
all electronic security disciplines (CCTV, Access Control,
Fire & Alarm Intrusion Systems). This experience
includes design, development, installation, service and
support in such areas as
Commercial/industrial, residential and
In today's sophisticated / "High-Tech"
business environment, installing a state-of-the-art security
system, can be a difficult and/or costly undertaking. This
all can be minimized with a dynamic company and experienced
staff. Security Integration Group, Inc. has unparalleled
experience and expertise in the fields of CCTV, Access
Control and Intrusion Systems. The members of
SIG, can provide solutions to your most
challenging problems.
Coupled with our strategic alliances with
key manufacturers Security Integration
Group can provide expertise in a number of security
technologies and trends.
- CCTV Surveillance Camera Systems
- Security Access Control
- Intrusion Alarm Systems
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Digital Video Management Systems
- Perimeter Protection
- Asset Tracking Systems
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